Oakland International Roller Canary Club Constitution

Dated June 24, 2018

Table Of Contents

Article 1 - Name

The name of this club shall be: The Oakland International Roller Canary Club.

Article 2 - Objectives

The objectives of this club shall be as follows:

  1. To advocate the development and advancement of the Roller Canary.
  2. To exert its best efforts to create a better understanding of and demand for the roller canary.
  3. To encourage members in scientific breeding.
  4. To, if possible, hold a show or song contest annually, at which birds raised and/or owned by club members and non-members, can be adjudicated upon and scored by an official Judge. Approved 100 point song standard shall be used.
  5. To promote the welfare and prosperity of the club.

Article 3 - Membership

  1. Any person shall be eligible for membership who shall have paid the club dues as provided in Article 6 herein. Election to membership shall be accordance with Article 8 of this Constitution. Voting upon application shall take place at the regular meeting at which submitted unless a majority of the club members present decide to defer action until the following meeting.

Article 4 - Application for Membership

  1. Any person desiring to join the club shall make written application on the club's approved application form, which shall be signed by at least one (1) member sponsoring his or her application.

Article 5 - Initiation Fee

  1. There shall be no initiation fee.

Article 6 - Dues

  1. The annual dues for a full member shall be twenty-five dollars ($25) payable in advance. The spouse and/or children of above member are considered Associate members, i.e. full non-voting members. They shall enjoy all benefits and privileges of membership except voting. Should any other member of the above household wish full voting membership he or she may do so by applying in the normal way and paying same dues. If the spouse of member is elected to an office, then he or she is considered a full voting member with no further obligation for dues.
  2. Any member in default of payment of dues for ninety (90) days shall be notified by the Secretary. If after an additional sixty (60) days in arrears dues are not paid, the member shall be automatically dropped from the club rolls.
  3. Membership shall be for one (1) calendar year, beginning January first of that year.

Article 7 - Forfeiture of Membership

  1. Membership is forfeited when a member cannot work in harmony, if found guilty of causing trouble between members, dishonorable conduct, or correspondence against the club, misrepresentation regarding bird's breeding, damaging statements regarding a member of his birds which cannot be proven; or five (5) months in arrears of dues as per Article 6.

Article 8 - Member Meetings; Voting

  1. Regular monthly meetings of the members will be conducted at the time and place set forth on the club's website or other regular communication.  Special meetings of the members shall be held at any place designated in the notice of such meeting.  Special meetings of the members for any purpose or purposes shall be called at any time by the President, or the Secretary, or by any two full members in good standing. 
  2. Written notice of the time and place of special meetings and the agenda of items to be discussed shall be sent to each full member in good standing at least 72 hours prior to such special meeting.  Notice of a special meeting shall be sent to each member's last known contact information, with such notice delivered personally, by US mail or by other form of written communication including e-mail or facsimilie.
  3. There shall be a quorum of at least one-third of full members in good standing attending a meeting in order to conduct business.  Any member may attend a meeting by conference telephone, website, computer system or other electronic communication equipment if all of the participating members are able to communicate with each other in real time. 
  4. Full members in good standing shall have one vote each.  Voting shall be by ballot, show of hands, or any other legitimate method agreed upon in open meeting, including electronic voting.  Provided that a quorum exists, a majority vote shall govern in elections and resolutions of any nature except as to election to membership.  For election to membership a three-fourths(3/4) majority favorable vote shall be necessary.  
  5. Any action, which may be taken at a meeting of the members may be taken without a meeting if authorized by written consent of the full members in good standing having not less than the minimum number of votes that would be necessary to authorize or take such action.  If any action is taken by less than unanimous consent, notice of such action shall be promptly given to all non-consenting members.

Article 9 - Officers

  1. All officers shall be chosen from members in good standing of the club.
  2. The officers of this club shall be: President; 1st Vice President; 2nd Vice President; Secretary; Treasurer; Show Manager; and Assistant Show Manager. These Officers shall be elected at the regular meeting held in February, and shall be eligible for re- election if remaining qualified in accordance with Article 3 and the first paragraph of this Article.
  3. Nomination of Officers shall be made at the regular meeting in January.
  4. If a vacancy occurs in the office of 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Show Manager or Assistant Show Manager the vacancy shall be filled by election at the first regular meeting after the vacancy becomes known.
  5. Before a members name is placed in nomination for office it shall first be determined if that member is willing to accept that office.
  6. A term of office for Officers, Committees and Appointees shall be for a minimum of two (2) consecutive years.

Article 10 - Duties of Officers

  1. The PRESIDENT shall preside over all meetings and generally supervise the club's affairs. He shall appoint all outstanding committees together with their respective chairmen except the Executive Committee, and Show Committee.
  2. The VICE-PRESIDENT shall preside over all meetings and have charge of the affairs of the club in the absence of the president.
  3. The SECRETARY shall write and keep the minutes and make a faithful record of the club proceedings. Attend to all correspondence of the club and notify prospective members of their acceptance or rejection to membership in the club. Notify the club when any member becomes delinquent, and notify said member of such delinquency. Collect all dues and other monies for the club and keep a strict record, turning such monies over to the Treasurer, obtaining a receipt, and do other such duties as are consistent with the office.
  4. The TREASURER shall receive the club monies from the Secretary, giving a receipt and keeping a strict record and deposit such monies in an account approved by the club(such as a bank account or online account like PayPal). Pay all bills after approval at the regular meeting. Checks to be signed by the Treasurer and President or Secretary. In the event the Treasurer for any reason is unable to function the President and Secretary shall sign checks to pay club's outstanding obligations. Present a report at each monthly meeting showing the financial condition of the club for the preceding month. As soon as possible after termination of the fiscal year present an audited balance sheet.

Article 11 - Committees

  1. The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE shall consist of the club elected officers, namely; President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Show Manager, and Assistant Show Manager. This committee shall be convened on the call of the chairman to transact such business requiring attention during the club's recess, or to discuss, consider and deal with matters of unusual importance, which may arise and require immediate attention between regular meetings. A report of the Committees deliberations and conduct of business shall be presented to the club at the next regular meeting.
  2. The SHOW COMMITTEE shall consist of the Show Manager, Assistant Show Manager, as elected and additional members as appointed by the Show manager, including the Show Secretary, Steward or Stewardess, Trophy Committee and such other sub-committees as necessary to make arrangements for and stage the Annual Song Contest. It shall be the duty of the Show Committee to perform any and all acts incident to staging the Annual Song Contest, except selecting the Judge and compiling the Show Rules.
  3. The AUDITING COMMITTEE shall consist of the 2nd Vice President as chairman with two (2) additional members appointed by the President, shall serve for the year of their appointment; shall see that the club's accounts are properly kept and closed for the fiscal year ending January 31st, and that a statement of receipts and expenditures is prepared by the Treasurer, which statement the Committee shall audit and report upon not later than the regular meeting in February. In lieu of the Auditing Committee, or in event it does not function, the President may appoint a professional Accountant to examine and report upon the club's financial status.
  4. Other committees may be appointed by the President as the need arises.

Article 12 - Order of Business

  1. The order of business shall be as follows:
    a. Roll-Call of Officers
    b. Reading of Minutes
    c. Communications, Bills, and Notices
    d. Application for membership
    e. Balloting on Application of Membership
    f.  Payment of Dues
    g. Report of Treasurer
    h. Report of Committees
    i.  Unfinished Business
    j.  New Business
    k. Open Discussions, etc.
    l.  Adjournment

Article 13 - Amendments

  1. Any proposed supplements, changes or amendments to this Constitution shall be in writing and signed by at least three (3) members in good standing and read out loud by the Secretary at a regular meeting, at least thirty (30) days before they shall be voted upon by the members present at a regular meeting and must carry by a two-thirds (2/3) favorable vote.
  2. This club shall not be dissolved as long as five (5) active members shall remain.


  1. All birds entered in team classes are automatically judged in single classes. Birds not in team classes are limited to one class. All birds entered must be B.R.T.E.. by exhibitor except in classes 11 and 12.
  2. Any team of four birds must be benched together as entered by exhibitor, and under no circumstances be split while being judged. The judges decisions shall be final.
  3. Leave no identification marks on either bird or cage. All birds will be given the best of care, but are accepted only at the owner's risk.
  4. No birds shall be removed from the show room without the consent of the show committee.
  5. Standard open cages with proper closed cabinet will be accepted. Food and water cups must be clear glass.
  6. In awarding prizes in cases of ties in total, the G.E. takes first preference. In case of ties in G.E. the first three tours the bird sings are to be added together, in case of still no decision, then the next two tours the bird sings shall be added together, if no decision, then the bird that drops a point on the first tours starting at Hollow Roll is to be the loser. The number of tours the bird sings is not to be taken into account. Ties must be settled before the scores are posted. In case of still ties the birds in question are to be returned to the judging room. There the judge will decide. All decisions of the judge shall be final, and in no case the score of a bird be changed after the bird has left the judging room.
  7. No person unless officially employed, or a breeder-exhibitor, will be admitted into the judges room during Open judging unless approved by show committee.
  8. The judge must not stay at the home or visit the aviary of any member of the local club 60 days prior to or during the judging, and shall not judge any individual's birds not exhibited in the show during his engagement by the club.
  9. ALL CLOSE BANDS of ACCEPTED clubs and associations eligible.
  10. One hundred Point Song Standard will govern contest.
  11. In the event of a Master Breeder, Champion, Amateur and Novice living at the same house, they must exhibit in the highest class. All birds raised by either in partnership must be exhibited in the section of the partner having the highest standing.
  12. The show committee reserves the right to reject any entries, and refund fees paid without assigning reason for any dispute that may arise.
  13. All fees, transportation charges or insurance shall be paid by the owner of the bird or birds.
  14. At least One bird in classes 9 and 10 must be an Old bird.
  15. At least One bird in classes 11 and 12 must be purchased.
  16. Tour Specials awarded on single bird, B.R.T.E. to be picked by judge.
  17. Classes:
    The above winnings must be by young birds and in open competition. In whatever class the breeder starts the year, he remains in that class during show season. Any exhibitor failing to classify himself in the correct class will be placed in the class decided upon by the show committee. A team of birds failing to perform will be given a second trial.
  18. Class 11 thru 12 not eligible to win Special awards.
  19. Any Breeder who has reached Master Breeder Status and wishes to sit with the judge with the intent of becoming a judge of Roller Canary tours, must ask permission via email, phone or writing to the judge intended for that show.  In addition, the President of the club and the Show Committee will have to be contacted for review and coordination with the judge at least one month prior to the show.


Last modified: January 5, 2019

Comments? Please e-mail to: oircc@geocities.com

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